Scientific career

From 11/1987 to 01/2001
After a PhD thesis in Planetary Sciences (Aeronomy of the Martian atmosphere) started in the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) @ the University of Colorado at Boulder, I joined IASB/BIRA planetary research team to prepare SPICAM/Mars96/Mars Express experiment.
Experience in Quality Management System implementation (ISO 9001; ESA IMS/QMS)
Experience in Quality Management Tools development (dashboards, KPIs, L6S tools)
Experience in strategic planning, budget, quality/configuration control, resources definition and mobilization and team building
Experience in numerical modelling, Statistical tools and extended knowledge of windows suite, specifically in Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher
30 years of expertise in collaboration and communication with Industry, Space Agencies, Scientific Institutes, Press and work in multidisciplinary and multicultural environments
30 years of experience in the development, implementation and monitoring of scientific, operational and space projects
Experienced in writing proposals, procedures, processes, reports, technical notes and scientific articles
Scientific expertise in the fields of planetology, astrobiology, aeronomy, mineralogy and volcanology